RE: When will there be a complete implementation of XML Schema 1.1?

> When will there be a complete implementation of XML Schema 1.1?

No one can claim a complete implementation until there's a Rec. Getting from
Candidate Rec to Rec usually takes a year.
> Michael Kay: when will SAXON fully implement XML Schema 1.1? 
> (I certainly appreciate the XSD 1.1 functionality you 
> currently have in SAXON. It has greatly accelerated my learning.)
I never predict dates, it's a sure way of failing.

There are parts I haven't investigated at all yet, like how to support
precisionDecimal. I'm still half-hoping it will vanish in a puff of smoke,
though this seems increasingly unlikely.


Michael Kay 

Received on Thursday, 28 May 2009 14:33:30 UTC