Re: Alternative tags in element?

At 2009-04-30 22:06 +1000, Paul Steckler wrote:
>   I want to create an element, say "Foo" that contains a sequence 
> of elements which
>have different tags, say "Bar" and "Glob".  So these would be legal:
>    <Foo><Glob/><Bar/></Foo>
>   <Foo><Bar/><Glob/></Foo>
>   <Foo><Bar/><Glob/><Bar/></Foo>
>In the complexType for Foo elements, can you specify that it 
>contains a sequence
>of alternative elements, in arbitrary order?

Yes, it could be called an "unbounded choice".

Unless, perhaps, by "alternative" you mean that they alternate from 
one to the other?  I'm guessing not.

>Or do I have to create a wrapper element
>for the alternatives and place them in a union?


I hope the example below helps.

. . . . . . . Ken

t:\ftemp>type steckler1.xml

t:\ftemp>type steckler2.xml

t:\ftemp>type steckler3.xml

t:\ftemp>type steckler4-bad.xml

t:\ftemp>type steckler.xsd
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">

  <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
    Paul's example

<xsd:element name="Foo">
     <xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
       <xsd:element name="Bar"/>
       <xsd:element name="Glob"/>


t:\ftemp>w3cschema-saxon steckler.xsd steckler1.xml
No validation errors.

t:\ftemp>w3cschema-saxon steckler.xsd steckler2.xml
No validation errors.

t:\ftemp>w3cschema-saxon steckler.xsd steckler3.xml
No validation errors.

t:\ftemp>w3cschema-saxon steckler.xsd steckler4-bad.xml
Validation error on line 1 column 18 of steckler4-bad.xml:
   In content of element <Foo>: The content model does not allow 
element <Baz> to appear
   here. Expected one of: Bar, Glob (See clause 2.4)
No validation errors.


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Received on Sunday, 3 May 2009 02:22:37 UTC