Re: alternative obligatory attributes

At 2009-03-12 18:06 +0100, Klöck, Erwin wrote:
>is it possible to define alternative obligatory 
>attributes for an element? What I want is something like the following,
>where the element otto must have either of two 
>attributes but not both. If it is possible, how would one do this?
>         <file uri="xxxx"/>
>         <file relative-path="yyyy"/>

No, when using W3C Schema 1.0, because sibling 
elements of the same name cannot have different validation constraints.

Yes, when using W3C Schema 1.1 (using 
assertions), or ISO/IEC 19757-3 Schematron (using 
assertions) or ISO/IEC 19757-2 RELAX-NG (using a 
choice pattern on the attributes).

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken

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Received on Thursday, 12 March 2009 18:00:32 UTC