Re: [XML Schema 1.1] I need an example that illustrates the usefulness of xs:error

On 21 Jul 2009, at 13:56 , Costello, Roger L. wrote:

> Can you provide an example that illustrates the usefulness of  
> xs:error?

You might want to examine the work of Fabio Vitali, Paolo
Marinelli, and Claudio Sacerdoti Coen on SchemaPath, which
provided the initial impetus for the conditional type assignment
construct of XSD 1.1; in a manner of speaking, XSD 1.1
acquired xsd:error from SchemaPath.  Not all of their
examples are possible with the conditional type assignment
feature as it is now defined, because the conditions
expressible in type XSD 1.1 alternatives are weaker than
the tests of SchemaPath, in order to ensure that in XSD 1.1
types may be assigned to elements no later than the
moment their start-tag has been fully read.  But some
examples are fairly nice.

See, for example, "SchemaPath, a minimal extension to
XML Schema for conditional constraints", WWW 2004.

A schema for XSLT, for example, might enforce a rule that
XSLT templates must have either a name or a match attribute
by declaring the xsd:template element thus:

   <element name="template">
     <alternative test="@name" type="xslt:named-template"/>
     <alternative test="@match" type="xslt:template"/>
     <alternative type="xsd:error"/>

The XSLT spec does not, I think, in fact forbid template
elements with neither name or match attributes, so this
declaration goes beyond what that spec requires; you might
write a schema like this in order to be more strict than
the spec requires you to be.

Another example:  in schema documents, an 'element'
element appearing in a content model must have either a
'name' attribute, or a 'ref' attribute, and not both.
That constraint cannot be expressed in XSD 1.0, but it
can be captured with conditional type assignment:

   <element name="element" type="element">
     <alternative test="@name" type="localElement"/>
     <alternative test="@ref" type="elementRef"/>
     <alternative type="error"/>

The same effect cannot be achieved in XSD 1.0.  In XSD 1.1,
it could also be achieved by assertions; indeed, any
type alternative which assigns xsd:error could be replaced
by an assertion (attached, possibly to more than one type)
negating the test. In both cases, the xsd:error fits
more naturally (it seems to me) into the pattern of
conditional type assignment.


Michael Sperberg-McQueen

* C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Wednesday, 22 July 2009 17:40:59 UTC