Re: [XML Schema 1.1] What problem is this solving: the ability to define multiple targetNamespaces in a single schema

On 20 Jul 2009, at 17:42 , Costello, Roger L. wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> In XSD 1.1 a schema can have multiple targetNamespaces. Presumably  
> this capability was introduced to solve a problem. What problem is  
> it solving?

Pedantic note:  I think you must mean that a schema *document*
may in 1.1 have multiple target namespaces.  I've just sent
a note responding to that question.

But after sending it I noticed that you referred to a
schema rather than a schema document.  And at the risk of
being pedantic about a difference which the spec regards
as important and many users appear not to regard as
important at all, I write to point out that as regards
schemas, the presupposition of your question is in error.
XSD schemas have always had the ability to include
components in multiple namespaces -- indeed, almost all
schemas are multi-namespace schemas, since any user-defined
schema will typically include components (elements, types,
...) in the user's target namespace, and will also include
all the built-in datatypes in the XSD namespace.

* C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Tuesday, 21 July 2009 02:58:50 UTC