[XML Schema 1.1] Is this a complete list of the new functionality?

Hi Folks,

Is the following a complete list of the new functionality in XML Schema 1.1?

1. Assertions - the <assert> element and xPathDefaultNamespace attribute

2. Conditional type alternatives - the <alternative> element

3. Inheritable attributes

4. Changes to the <all> element - its content elements are not limited to no more than one occurrence

5. Non-deterministic content models are now permitted

6. Additions to <any> and <anyAttribute> elements - @notNamespace, @notQName

7. Open content - the <openContent> and <defaultOpenContent> elements

8. Changes of the ID datatype - an element can have multiple ID attributes; the ID type can have a fixed or default value

9. A schema can define multiple targetNamespaces 

10. The override element (redefine is deprecated)

11. The value of substitutionGroup can be a list

12. Vendor-unique extensions are permitted

13. Version control - @minVersion, @maxVersion, @typeAvailable, @typeUnavailable, @facetAvailable, @facetUnavailable

14. New datatypes:

     - error
     - precisionDecimal
     - datetimeStamp
     - anyAtomicType

15. New facets:

     - assert (plus the $value variable)
     - minScale
     - maxScale

Anything else?


Received on Friday, 3 July 2009 12:19:51 UTC