Re: [XML Schema 1.1] Multiple <alternative> elements apply ... which one wins?

On 1 Jul 2009, at 14:22 , Costello, Roger L. wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> Suppose that several <alternative> elements apply. Which one will be  
> used?
> Example: the below <Beverage> element has two <alternative>  
> elements. If the value of its current-time attribute is 08:00:00  
> then both <alternative> elements apply. Which one will be used?
> <xs:element name="Beverage" type="BeverageType">
>    <xs:alternative test="@current-time le '12:00:00'"  
> type="MorningBeverage" />
>    <xs:alternative test="@current-time le '09:00:00'"  
> type="EarlyMorningBeverage" />
> </xs:element>

Short answer:  the type table selects the type given by
the first alternative with a test which evaluates to true.

In many cases, this determines the type definition used
to validate the element, but it can be overridden by
user-stipulated and instance-specified types.

Longer answer, with details:

The validation rule Schema Validity Assessment in section says among other things that elements are validated
(if they are not skipped) against their governing element
declaration and governing type definition.  So your question
amounts to asking "How is the governing type definition
determined, when conditional type assignment is used?"

The definition of 'governing type definition' in section specifies how the governing type of an element is
identified.  Conditional type assignment comes into the
rule by affecting the choice of the 'selected type
definition' (which is the governing type definition unless
either the user has specified a different type when
invoking the validator, or the instance specifies a
type using xsi:type).

The definition of 'selected type definition' in section says that if a type table appears in the relevant
element declaration, the selected type definition is the
type definition 'conditionally selected' by the type table.

The definition of 'conditional selection' in the next
paragraph says in part:

     The {test} expressions in T's {alternatives} are
     evaluated, in order, until one of the Type Alternatives
     ·successfully selects· a type definition for E, or
     until all have been tried without success. If any
     Type Alternative ·successfully selects· a type
     definition, none of the following Type Alternatives
     are tried.

I hope this helps.

Michael Sperberg-McQueen

* C. M. Sperberg-McQueen, Black Mesa Technologies LLC

Received on Wednesday, 1 July 2009 23:16:43 UTC