Re: Why xsi:type works only inwards, not outwards?

Kevin Braun wrote:
> When you told it the type for sys:Entity was RoomType, you were telling 
> it you are going to provide data that would validate against RoomType.  
> In other words, you are essentially saying "don't accept a sys:category 
> element, be more restrictive and demand an app:roomCategory element".  
> Yes, you specified "RoomCategoryType" for the sys:category element, but 
> RoomType doesn't allow just *any* element of RoomCategoryType, it 
> requires an app:roomCategory element (or an element in its substitution 
> group).  The definition of RoomType specifies not only the type of 
> elements that should appear, but also the names for those elements.
> I hope that helps.
> -Kevin

Yes, indeed. Now I understand.

It was probably my wishful thinking that threw me in conviction that my
concept *should* work.

Thank you for clear clarification.

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