Re: Best Practices for Establishing Namespace Name

At 2009-08-28 15:34 -0700, Tsao, Scott wrote:
>We are trying to decide on a namespace URI for an XML schema under 
>development by a standards committee in the aerospace industry.
>Are there best practices that we could follow?  For example, the 
>choice between URL and URN, case sensitivity, unique components in 
>the name, and incorporation of RDDL, etc.
>Also, are there good example namespace names already established by 
>standards committees such as those in OASIS?

I cite the OASIS genericode namespace as an example of using RDDL in XHTML:

And I used the following stylesheet to help me polish the document's accuracy:

Case sensitivity is implied by the Namespaces in XML specification:

I can think of no guidelines for namespace components other than not 
implying there is a schema at the URL.  Just plan ahead so that you 
can create a number of namespace URI strings without collisions.

I regret that the OASIS policy at the release of UBL was URN-based 
and not URL-based, but such was the case at the time.

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken

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Received on Saturday, 29 August 2009 00:38:07 UTC