Re: comments and PIs in XML Schema

At 2009-04-25 13:34 -0400, Michael Glavassevich wrote:
><> wrote on 04/25/2009 01:04:13 AM:
> > You won't see constraints on comments and PIs in DTD,
>Not quite true. Elements declared to be EMPTY [1] in a DTD are 
>forbidden from containing comments, PIs and entity references (even 
>ones whose expansion is an empty string).

Granted, but those are constraints on the element.  One cannot 
declare in a model constraints on comments and PIs themselves 
regarding their cardinality and location, which is what I thought 
Mukul was looking for.

I did try to be careful by saying they had places where they were 
allowed to go:

At 2009-04-25 01:04 -0400, I wrote:
>Annotations can be placed anywhere they are allowed in an XML 
>document without violating the constraints on an XML vocabulary.

But I do appreciate that you brought this to light for the readers of 
the archive as my wording wasn't very detailed.  Thanks, Michael.

. . . . . . . . . . Ken

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Received on Saturday, 25 April 2009 17:43:13 UTC