MHSCD version 2 available

An updated version of MHSCD to generate schema component paths is now  
A very simple locator is also provided.

See for complete details and  

java com.mathling.scd.SCDGenerator [-a] [-s] [-l N] [-ns prefix=uri]* uri*
-a      Generate paths for annotations. You must build from the latest CVS  
source for this to work.
-s      Generate paths for components in the XML Schema namespace.
-l N   Generate paths N levels deep. N=0 (the default) means to generate  
only canonical paths.
-ns prefix=uri    Bind the prefix to the namespace URI.
uri    URIs of the schemas to process.

java com.mathling.scd.SCDLocator [-p path]* [-ns prefix=uri]* uri*
-p path   Path to locate. If no -p parameter is given, read paths from  
standard input.
-ns prefix=uri   Bind the prefix to the namespace URI.
uri   URIs of the schemas to process.


Received on Tuesday, 7 April 2009 16:42:09 UTC