Re: xml:lang vs xs:language

At 2008-09-19 12:54 -0700, Kondapally Kumar wrote:
>We are having a discussion on whether to use "xml:lang" as an 
>attribute on a new element that we are defining in our xsd or 
>whether to make a new element with type "xs:language".
>For e.g (not syntactically correct but just to give you an idea)
><Newelement attribute xml:lang> </Newelement>
><Newelement >
><have another sub element with xs:language type>
>Is there any guidance on which one to use?

The syntax and semantics of xml:lang is specified in the XML specification:

If you use xml:lang then other tools that are familiar with the 
syntax and semantics can access it, such as the lang() function in XPath.

I hope this helps.

. . . . . . . . . . . . Ken

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Received on Sunday, 21 September 2008 06:26:25 UTC