Re: Validating application-specific XHTML

Robert Koberg schrieb:
> I would hate to see a schema that validates a CSS based XHTML page.
> Even worse, I would hate to maintain it.

Why would you hate to see, or have to maintain such a schema? Is it the
additional tedium you find uninspiring? Or do you think it is a bad
application, or even an abuse of XML Schema? If it is the latter, could
you explain why you think this is bad?

> However, it would be pretty easy to use an XSL to validate your page.
> You could base the XSL off of your CSS rules. For example, you might
> have a CSS containing:
> #narrow-col #nav { blah... }

> <xsl:template match="*" mode="validate-nav">
>   <p>
>     Has Nav:
>     <xsl:value-of select="exists(key('ident',
> 'narrow-col')/*[@id='nav'])"/>
>   </p>
> </xsl:template>

That's a good idea. Strangely, it hasn't occurred to me I could use XSLT
for the job. It doesn't seem to have a reputation for being a validator
tool, yet.

Thank you very much!

Michael Ludwig

Received on Thursday, 27 November 2008 10:33:00 UTC