Schema that mandates elements and attributes from disparate namespaces?

How can I write a schema that requires an XML file to have a structure  
like the following?

   <root xmlns:foo="" xmlns:bar="">
     <alpha>This is in the default namespace</alpha>
     <bravo foo:msg="This namespaced attribute is required on bravo  
elements." >
       <bar:charlie>This namespaced element is required as a child of  

What I'm trying to do is create a specific derivation of SVG, that  
allows certain namespaced elements and attributes in specific  
locations. I don't want to just extend SVG to allow various non- 
namespaced attributes and elements; I want to require those specific  
namespaced items.

Thanks in advance!

Received on Friday, 14 March 2008 07:51:11 UTC