Re: Extensible Enumerations Technique

Note that the OASIS Code List Representation Technical Committee is 
offering a layered technique to extended and restricted code lists, 
complete with list-level, code-level and instance-level meta data 
specification and matching:

   genericode 1.0 - lists of codes with list-level and code-level meta data

   context/value association using genericode 0.3 draft 1
                  - contextual code list usage and instance-level meta data

I hope this is considered helpful.

. . . . . . . . . . . Ken

At 2008-03-11 10:11 -0700, Guillaume Lebleu wrote:
>I know techniques for extensible enumerations in W3C XML Schema 1.0 
>have been discussed on this list before (extensively), but I didn't 
>find the exact technique below, so I thought I'd post it here to get 
>Enumeration types (say, Enumerated_Type) are defined as xs:union 
>between a Enumerated_Type_Base and Enumerated_Type_Ext in a base XSD file:
><xs:simpleType name="Enumerated_Type">
>   <xs:union memberTypes="Enumerated_Type_Base Enumerated_Type_Ext"/>
><xs:simpleType name="Enumerated_Type_Base">
>   <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
>      <xs:enumeration value="ExistingValue"/>
>      ...
>   </xs:restriction>
><xs:simpleType name="Enumerated_Type_Ext">
>   <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN"/>
>In the xs:redefine section of a separate extension XSD file 
>redefines the Enumerated_Type_Ext:
><xs:simpleType name="Enumerated_Type_Ext">
>   <xs:restriction base="Enumerated_Type_Ext">
>      <xs:enumeration value="ExtendedValue"/>
>   </xs:restriction>
>XSLT stylesheets are then optionally used to remove xs:redefine and 
>xs:union given that many tools (particularly XML/OO language 
>binders) do not support these constructs.
>Thanks in advance,

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Received on Tuesday, 11 March 2008 17:31:25 UTC