[ann] Schema Lightener: a free tool for simplifying schemas



Have you ever had an Xml Schema that came from somewhere else (e.g. a
trading partner or a standards consortium) and wanted to reduce the bulk of
all the elements, attributes and types that you don't plan on implementing?
Perhaps you want to communicate a simpler version of the data model within
your enterprise or to another trading partner.  Or maybe you are creating
classes from the Schema and don't want lots of unused code generated for
components not implemented.  Yet you want to conform to the original
Schema's data model.


Until now, you have had the option of editing the Schema by hand or using a
software tool.  Additionally, you could implement the Schematron technology
for adding additional constraints.


As someone who has worked with schemas for many years, I have both wanted
more tools for this myself as well as heard of the need from my clients.  So
I decided to create a free and simple solution.  


The Xml Schema Lightener is a completely free tool for creating what people
refer to alternately as "Schema subsets" or in OAGIS terms "Lite BODs".  


Same data structure, fewer elements and types.


A full FAQ is available at http://www.xmlhelpline.com/tools (including a
section on how this relates to Schematron and other solutions). This is an
initial 1.0 release.  I would love to continue to improve it if people find
it useful. 




Paul Kiel




W. Paul Kiel

xmlHelpline.com Consulting

 <mailto:paul@xmlhelpline.com> paul@xmlhelpline.com

work: 919-846-0224

cell: 919-449-8801

website:  <http://www.xmlhelpline.com> http://www.xmlhelpline.com

Your helpline for data integration solutions.




Received on Monday, 10 March 2008 17:08:45 UTC