Re: UPA example

Hello, sorry for double message boris, I pressed reply instead of reply to

Am I wrong in thinking that

<apple/> validated by element
<apple/> validated by any
<apple/> validated by element

is impossible with your current schema declaration ? sequence minOccurs="1"
by default, since, in a sequence, elements can only appear in written
orders, you couldn't have an element after any, other than any ?
But then I probably missed some subtle (or not so subtle) declaration in
your schema.

I'd be glad if you could clear that up :)

2008/6/24 Boris Kolpackov <>:

> Hi,
> Consider the following schema:
> <schema xmlns=""
>        targetNamespace="test"
>        elementFormDefault="qualified">
>  <complexType name="AnyTargetNamespace">
>    <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded">
>      <element name="apple" type="string"/>
>      <any namespace="##targetNamespace" processContents="skip"
> maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>    </sequence>
>  </complexType>
> </schema>
> My interpretation of the specification suggests that this schema
> violates the Unique Particle Attribution constraint in that a
> content like this:
> <apple/>
> <apple/>
> <apple/>
> Can be validated in two ways:
> <apple/> validated by element
> <apple/> validated by any
> <apple/> validated by any
> Or:
> <apple/> validated by element
> <apple/> validated by any
> <apple/> validated by element
> Does anybody think this is not the case and if so, why?
> Thanks,
> Boris
> --
> Boris Kolpackov, Code Synthesis Tools
> Open source XML data binding for C++:
> Mobile/embedded <>validating XML parsing:

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2008 15:49:25 UTC