EditiX 2008 - XML Editor and Visual Schema Editor

Dear xml users,

We are glad to announce the availability of EditiX 2008. EditiX is a
cross-platform (Windows, Mac OS X and Unix/Linux) and easy to use XML Editor

and XSLT Debugger designed to help web authors and application programmers
take advantage of the latest XML and XML-related technologies such as
XSLT, XSL-FO, DocBook, SVG or various XML schemas.

- Here a list of new features :

- EditiX 2008 includes a* visual schema editor* :

- Here a complex schema processed with Editix 2008 for an HTML output :

Best regards,

The EditiX Team
News inside EditiX 2008 RC1 :
- Visual Schema W3C Editor
* Common :
- Better content assistant height management
- The content assistant state is stored inside the project
- The content assistant state is available inside the main toolbar
- New document dialog improvement (double - click on a choice)
- Search/Replace dialog initialized with the text selection
- When a character cannot be displayed inside the character entity panel it
is colored in gray
- A tooltip displays the current file path in the tab container
- A tooltip displays the attributes and the text inside the XML tree view
- Schema/RelaxNG generator formats the result
- Schema generator takes into account the root namespace
- When assigning a schema to an element with a namespace the schemaLocation
attribute is used
- When assigning a schema or a DTD root elements are available
- The tag update state is available inside the main toolbar
- New templates for TEI P4 Lite, TEI P5, DITA, WSDL, XSLT with XSL-FO output
- Better visibility for the error's tooltip
- Error popup : Copy to the clipboard or export the error list to a file
- EditiX can reload outside modified files
- Element search panel is available for any opened documents
- Surround action lists available elements
- Surround action works on the current selection or on the current element
- Export your XML structure to java classes with a SAX handler
- Refactoring action for adding a new attribute
- EditiX version shown inside the bug reporting system
- A modified document is displayed with a "*" inside the title
- Comment/Uncomment, Selection, Surround actions available in the toolbar
and working with the current node
- Copy/Cut the current node actions from the Edit menu
* XPath
- Export/Import/Clean popup actions inside the history
- Tooltip with result name and value
* Project manager
- New popup action for exporting the project content as a zip document
- New project action
- New "add all" action for all the current documents
- Drag'n drop of a directory works
* RNG Editor :
- RNG documents are validated
* XSLT Editor :
- XSLT 1.0 documents are validated
- The action for disabling the assistant has been removed from the XSLT menu

as it is available in the XML menu
- Button for refreshing the XML data source
- When building XSLT document with drag and drop, relative xpath location
are computed
* XHTML Editor :
- Component preview
* Bugs fixed :
- XSLT Transformation due to errors inside the XML source didn't displayed
- XML Catalog was not taken into account for transforming
- The XPath result value didn't display text for XPath 1.0
- Relative XPath 1.0 expression to the root node couldn't work
- Refactoring action could "freeze" the application
- EditiX could "freeze" for a wrong XML data source at starting
- DTD Parsing bugs fixed
- The status bar could disappear when loading a project with an XSLT editor
- A relative path was available when assigning a DTD or a schema on a new
- Surround with CDATA section was incorrect
- Default namespace sometimes wrongly shown inside the tree
- The first export for a project could fail
- Namespace manager fixed

Received on Sunday, 17 February 2008 17:18:34 UTC