XCase - a new tool for XML data modeling


a new case tool for XML data modeling has been released, and can be
downloaded from http://www.codeplex.com/xcase

The tool is a result of an academic project and is for free. It is planned
to be further extended. Currently, it supports modeling at two layers. At a
first layer, you model UML class diagrams that describe your problem domain
at a conceptual level, independently of various representations in XML. At a
second layer, you model various XML formats that represent you problem
domain viewed from different viewpoints of different users. This brings a
lot of advantages if you have more XML formats (purchase orders, invoices,
sales reports, etc) in your application since design of particular XML
formats is much more effective. The tool also checks consistency between the
XML formats.



Received on Saturday, 20 December 2008 08:58:22 UTC