Re: XML Schema Element ordering

Pete Cordell writes:

> In XSD schema, a base and the extra components of a derived 
> type are always 
> combined as if they are two components of an xs:sequence (i.e. base 
> components first, then derived components).

Yes, in Schema 1.0 that's correct.  The draft specifications for Schema 
1.1 propose that <xsd:all>s be allowed to extend other <xsd:all>s, with 
the validation semantics being as if all the particles in the base and the 
derived were in a single <xsd:all>  In other words, if the base allows 
ALL(A,B,C) and the extended allows ALL(D,E), then the resulting validation 
is as if the model were ALL(A,B,C,D,E), which allows each of the elements 
to appear once, but in any order.


Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Friday, 18 May 2007 21:24:54 UTC