Re: Schema 1.1: xs:anyEnumeration considered?

How about something akin to "javax".  The ability to insert an extra
attribute to a non-conforming element that says "this is extended beyond the
schema".  Then you'd still catch mistakes in a standard type (e.g. "runtal"
when "rental" was meant), but still allow true extensions (e.g. "leasing").  

I like the idea of providing an enumeration, even in cases where that's just
a serving suggestion or starting point.

Pete Cordell wrote:
> One thing I often see are sets of enumerations that are not extensible....
>     <xs:simpleType name="foo">
>         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
>             <xs:pattern value="[a-zA-Z0-0]{3,4}"/>
>             <xs:enumeration value="ABC"/>
>             <xs:enumeration value="DEFG"/>
>             <xs:anyEnumeration/>  <!-- New -->
>         </xs:restriction>
>     </xs:simpleType>

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