RE: conditional processing of xsd

Hi Michael,


On second thoughts does XML Schema 1.0 does not support any form of
conditional processing of xsd at all OR

Is it that support is not there only for my flavor of  problem.


If it supports conditional processing in any other flavour, Can you
please let me know how I can adopt that solution for my present

Issue. May be if I don't put my simpleType as enumerated will it help ?





From: Michael Kay [] 
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2007 3:37 PM
To: Swayam Vemuri -X (swvemuri - WIPRO at Cisco)
Subject: RE: conditional processing of xsd


I'd suggest that you post XML Schema queries to the xmlschema-dev list


This looks like a classic example of a "co-occurrence constraint" - that
is, where the grammar is conditional based on the actual values. It's a
well-known limitation of XML Schema 1.0 that it can't handle that, I'm


Michael Kay



	From: Swayam Vemuri -X (swvemuri - WIPRO at Cisco)
	Sent: 10 March 2007 01:51
	Subject: conditional processing of xsd

	Hi Michael,


	Sorry for contacting you this. But it will be of great help to
me if you help me in solving the below 

	Issue for me. Iam just struck with this and not able to proceed.
It might not take much of time for

	An expert like you. Pl help me in trouble shooting this.




	I have a requirement wherein, I have a enumerated
simpleType/complexType, like as shown below


	<xs:simpleType name="HibernateCollectionElements">

	            <xs:restriction base="xs:string">

	                  <xs:enumeration value="Set"/>

	                  <xs:enumeration value="Bag"/>

	                  <xs:enumeration value="List"/>




	Now based on the user selection(that is Set or Bag or List) ,

	I need to present a set of attributes. This set of attributes is
different for different values given in enumerated value set.


	That is if user selects Set, then he will be given attributes
s1, s2 and s3.

	If user selects Bag, then he will be given attributes h1, h2
and so on.


	Can any you please let me know how to have above logic in a xsd,
with an example.

	I did search couple of books, but in vain.


	Thanks and regards,



Received on Saturday, 10 March 2007 10:39:58 UTC