Re: SimpleType as valid derivation of abstract type in 1.1 ?

This may be a case where an explicit statement about node text content a-la 
Relax-NG (as opposed to schema's blunt "mixed" attribute) would helpful.

I'm not certain about the Relax-NG format, but the equivalent schema could 
look something like:

   <xs:complexType name="ObjId" abstract="true">
            <xs:value type="xs:int"/> <!-- New -or is it xs:data or 
xs:text? -->

    <xs:complexType name="CarId">
            <xs:extension base="ObjId">

Other than that I'm stuck!!!

Pete Cordell
Tech-Know-Ware Ltd
for XML to C++ data binding visit

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Guillaume Lebleu" <>
To: "Pete Cordell" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, March 09, 2007 12:59 PM
Subject: Re: SimpleType as valid derivation of abstract type in 1.1 ?

> Pete Cordell wrote:
>> In your example the ObjId type is defaulted to xs:anyType; a complex 
>> content type.  To make it simple content, you need to do something like:
>> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="">
>>   <xs:complexType name="ObjId" abstract="true">
>>        <xs:simpleContent>
>>            <xs:extension base="xs:...whatever..."/>
>>        </xs:simpleContent>
>>    </xs:complexType>
>>    <xs:complexType name="CarId">
>>        <xs:simpleContent>
>>            <xs:extension base="ObjId"/>
>>        </xs:simpleContent>
>>    </xs:complexType>
>> </xs:schema>
> This works and addresses partly my requirements. My requirements are: "All 
> objects have an Id, some objects' Id is complex, some objects' Id is 
> simple". With your approach, I still have to have two base types.
> Guillaume

Received on Friday, 9 March 2007 17:57:15 UTC