RE: question about group circle definition

The case is: 




-Wang Zhuo 


From: Michael Kay [] 
Sent: 2007年3月8日 16:38
To: Wang, Zhuo;
Cc: Moog, Thomas H
Subject: RE: question about group circle definition 


Could you give the name of the test case please?


Michael Kay



 From: [] On Behalf Of Wang, Zhuo
 Sent: 08 March 2007 01:31
 Cc: Moog, Thomas H
 Subject: question about group circle definition 

 Hi All, 


 I meet a case in w3c test suite: 


 <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">


     <xsd:complexType name="a">


             <xsd:group ref="ul" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> 




     <xsd:group name="ul">


             <xsd:element name="ul">



                         <xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

                             <xsd:element name="li" /> 

                             <xsd:group ref="ul" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> 










 I think this case voilate:

 3.8.6 Constraints on Model Group Schema Components

 All model groups (see Model Groups (¡ì3.8)) must satisfy the following



 Schema Component Constraint: Model Group Correct

 All of the following must be true:

 2 Circular groups are disallowed. That is, within the {particles} of a group

 there must not be at any depth a particle whose {term} is the group itself.


 However, many schema validators say it is a valid case. 

 Somebody knows the reason? 



 - Wang Zhuo    


 Intel Asia-Pacific R&D Ltd.

 No. 880 ZiXing Road, ZiZhu Science Park,

 Shanghai, PRC, 200241



Received on Thursday, 8 March 2007 08:39:34 UTC