RE: RegEx [+\-] or [+-]?

The Microsoft schema processor (from my observations) allows very many
regular expressions that are not permitted by the XML schema specification.
In fact, I believe it just uses the .NET regex parser unchanged.
There's a long and tortuous history of errors, errata, corrections to
errata, and withdrawn errata in the area of hyphens within square brackets.
It's my belief that the current intent of the spec is to permit [+-], though
there's still a contradiction between the grammar and the text; given the
history, it's not at all surprising if you find products that don't permit
 (a) the fact that Microsoft accept it proves nothing, 
 (b) [+-] should be OK, 
 (c) it's not surprising if some (especially older) products reject it 
 (d) [+\-] should be safe.
Michael Kay


From: [] On
Behalf Of Rao,Dr.,R.,SNL IT Filialen,4110,DA
Sent: 05 June 2007 11:50
Subject: RegEx [+\-] or [+-]?

The regEx below make restrictions on the UTC-Offset in the datetime data

We found out that the expression 1 makes no problem with the Microsoft
parser (.net 2.0).

A third party which receives data from us, uses Java and have problems with
1. They would like the expression 2.


1: <xs:pattern

2: <xs:pattern



Which is the recommended expression?


Thanks,  Roberto


Dr. Roberto Rao 
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Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 16:26:03 UTC