Re: extending schema

Thanks very much Noah I appreciate your help.


On 4/16/07, <> wrote:
> Well, I'm not sure I can give you a detailed answer without seeing your
> specific schema documents, but I can point you in a general direction.
> Taking one aspect of your requirement, your original XML document has
> <body> defined without the new attributes, and the modified one adds the
> attributes.  As you should be aware if you're using the schema language,
> every element is declared with a type, and in your example we can
> reasonably infer that the type of <body> is different in the two cases. Of
> course, you could write two different schemas, each with different
> declarations:
>         <element name="body" type="oldtype"/>
>         <element name="body" type="newtype"/>
> but you seem to want to keep your original schema document and just add a
> new one.  If your first document defines element as:
>         <element name="body" type="oldtype"/>
> then you're going to have to find some way of changing the definition of
> oldtype, and that's likely done in a second schema document using
> <xs:redefine>.   Probably something along the lines of:
>         <!-- schema document #2>
>         <xs:schema>
>           <xs:redefine>
>           <xsd:complexType name="oldtype">
>             <xsd:complexContent>
>               <xsd:extension base="xsd:all">
>                 <xsd:attribute name="customAttr" type="xsd:string"/>
>                 <xsd:attribute name="another" type="xsd:string"/>
>                </xsd:extension>
>             </xsd:complexContent>
>           </xsd:complexType>
>           </xs:redefine>
>         <xs:schema>
> There are probably other ways to solve your problem, and almost surely
> other ways to use redefine in this case (perhaps redefining the type of
> the html element to one in which the element declaration of body gives it
> a different named type.  Anyway, my intuition is that redefine is on the
> list of possibilities for you to consider.  Redefine is controversial,
> because it's tricky in certain ways, and in part because implementations
> in early parsers were not all consistent with each other.  Still, it's an
> option to consider I think.
> Please note that I will mostly be away from email this week, but perhaps
> others on this list can help you either to refine this idea, or to come up
> with others.
> Noah
> --------------------------------------
> Noah Mendelsohn
> IBM Corporation
> One Rogers Street
> Cambridge, MA 02142
> 1-617-693-4036
> --------------------------------------
> "Dhanji R. Prasanna" <>
> Sent by:
> 04/09/2007 01:38 AM
>         To:
>         cc:     (bcc: Noah Mendelsohn/Cambridge/IBM)
>         Subject:        extending schema
> Hello
> I am not sure if this is the right list for this question. I apologize if
> it is not (please point me in the right direction!).
> My question is about adding attributes to an xml document via an
> additional schema. For example I would like to add to this:
> <html   xmlns=""
>         xml:lang="en" lang="en">
>   <body>...etc.
> ...a custom schema that allows certain attributes to be defined on body,
> span and so forth. I imagined something like this:
> <html   xmlns:my="http://mynamespaceextentions"
>         xmlns=""
>         xml:lang="en" lang="en">
>   <body my:customAttr="..." my:another="...">
> I was unable to do this successfully via type substitution (I want all
> elements to be extended):
>     <xsd:complexType name="my-component">
>         <xsd:complexContent>
>             <xsd:extension base="xsd:all">
>                 <xsd:attribute name="customAttr" type="xsd:string"/>
>                 <xsd:attribute name="another" type="xsd:string"/>
>             </xsd:extension>
>         </xsd:complexContent>
>     </xsd:complexType>
> But obviously I am doing something wrong. Im sure it is the highlighted
> portion. Then again I am not sure if this can be achieved at all with type
> substitution. Is there any way that I can do this by extending ( i.e.
> importing) the xhtml schema directly into my schema perhaps?
> Thanks in advance.
> Dhanji.

Received on Monday, 16 April 2007 02:08:05 UTC