Re: Permit (greedy) conflicting wildcards

Pete Cordell writes:

> I think it will be possible to find many cases where such an 
> extension does not make sense.  But I also think that it will 
> be possible to find many cases where it does make sense. 

Sure, but you can always allow for it.  For example, you could do:

                <element ref="html"/>
                <any notQname="##defined"/>

Many other strategies are possible.  For example, instead of the ref to 
the HTML element, that could be a reference to a group with a choice of 
several elements.  The point is, if it's in your schema, you tend to know 
about it, and can reference it if you want to allow it. 

Furthermore, nothing requires you to use a NIS wildcard.  You've 
acknowledged it's useful in some cases.  In the others, use something 

Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2007 19:06:07 UTC