UPA Question

I have two toolkits (from the same company, BTW) that compile the schema
shown below differently.  One says the schema is fine while the other says
the choice inside grpC/ElementC1 violates the UPA rule.  This example looks
a bit contrived, but it's a reduction from something a lot more complex that
obviously could be re-factored.   On the surface, I can see why one might
think having grpA in choice particles at two levels within ElementC1 makes
the content ambiguous.  But after thinking about it, I don't think that the
content model is ambiguous.  My question is which toolkit is right and which
one gets my bug report?  Thanks!


<xs:schema id="XMLSchema1" 







      <xs:group name="grpA">


                  <xs:element name="ElementA1"/>




      <xs:group name="grpB">


                  <xs:element name="ElementB1" />

                  <xs:group ref="tns:grpA"/>




      <xs:group name="grpC">


                  <xs:element name="ElementC1">




                                          <xs:group ref="tns:grpB"/>

                                          <xs:group ref="tns:grpA"/>








      <xs:element name="RootElement">



                        <xs:group ref="tns:grpC"/>


                              <xs:element name="OtherStuff" />









Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2006 01:18:33 UTC