RE: [xml-dev] Two Questions - on XML Schema

Gee, Mike,

I'm truly flattered at your assertion that [we] relational people messed up 
some "clean design".  Didn't realize we had that much power. ;^)


At 3/9/2006 12:06 PM, Michael Kay wrote:
> > It is unclear how data binding tools would
> > support the conditional assignment of types.  I'm not saying that it
> > couldn't be done but I've yet to seen anyone spell out how to
> > handle it.
>Oh dear. If the data binding folks are going to be stakeholders in this, we
>can throw out all hopes of a clean design. They'll mess it up even worse
>than the relational people did.
>Michael Kay

Jim Melton --- Editor of ISO/IEC 9075-* (SQL)     Phone: +1.801.942.0144
   Co-Chair, W3C XML Query WG; F&O (etc.) editor    Fax : +1.801.942.3345
Oracle Corporation        Oracle Email: jim dot melton at oracle dot com
1930 Viscounti Drive      Standards email: jim dot melton at acm dot org
Sandy, UT 84093-1063 USA          Personal email: jim at melton dot name
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Received on Thursday, 9 March 2006 19:32:37 UTC