RE: Xml Schema profile

> Actually, support for redefine is fairly surprising.

You mean, the level of support is surprisingly high?

Yes, I'm mildly surprised that I support it ;-). 

> There 
> are issues that you can run into if you use a strange mix of 
> namespaces and redefining of chameleon components. In the 
> general case we have seen a lot of improvement in the past year.

Saxon basically imposes the rule, in managing its schema cache, that once a
type has been used then it can't be redefined. Using a type means using it
for validating an instance or for compiling a query or stylesheet. This is a
bit of a blunt instrument, but it seems to eliminate most of the potential
problems. The rule ensures that all references to a type with a given name
are referring to the same type.

Michael Kay 

Received on Wednesday, 19 July 2006 18:55:40 UTC