xsts-2002-01-16 - msxsdtest - element - errors


potential errors in the TS xsts-2002-01-16 - msxsdtest:

Section: element

  expected: valid
  result  : invalid
  reason  : violates p-props-correct (2.2)
  "Element '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}element',
  attribute 'maxOccurs': The value must be greater than
  or equal to 1."

  expected: invalid
  result  : valid
  reason  : refers probably to cvc-elt (5.1.2), but
  a "fixed" value constraint, does not disallow an empty
  value in the instance.

  expected: valid
  result  : invalid
  reason  : violates cvc-elt (4.3)
  "Element 'fooTest',
   attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}type':
  The type definition 'myUnion', specified by xsi:type, is
  blocked or not validly derived from the type definition of
  the element declaration."
  expected: valid
  result  : invalid
  reason  : violates cvc-elt (4.3)
  "Element 'fooTest',
  attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}type':
  The type definition 'myList',specified by xsi:type, is
  blocked or not validly derived from the type definition of
  the element declaration."

  expected: valid
  result  : invalid
  reason  : violates cvc-elt (4.3)
  "Element 'test',
  attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}type':
  The type definition 'List-A', specified by xsi:type, is
  blocked or not validly derived from the type definition of
  the element declaration."
  expected: valid
  result  : invalid
  reason  : violates cvc-elt (4.3)
  "Element 'test2',
  attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}type':
  The type definition 'Union-A', specified by xsi:type, is
  blocked or not validly derived from the type definition of
  the element declaration."
  expected: valid
  result  : invalid
  reason  : violates cvc-elt (4.3)
  "Element 'test2',
  attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}type':
  The type definition 'Union-AB',specified by xsi:type, is
  blocked or not validly derived from the type definition of
  the element declaration."
  expected: valid
  result  : invalid
  reason  : violates cvc-elt (4.3)
  "Element 'test2',
  attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}type':
  The type definition 'List-A', specified by xsi:type, is
  blocked or not validly derived from the type definition of
  the element declaration."
  expected: valid
  result  : invalid
  reason  : violates cvc-elt (4.3)
  "Element 'test2',
  attribute '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}type':
  The type definition 'List-AB', specified by xsi:type, is
  blocked or not validly derived from the type definition of
  the element declaration."
  expected: valid
  result  : valid
  reason  : MS reports that they had an unknown error. I cannot
  find an error here.

I thought about displaying the result in XML but learned that MS
owns the XML serialisation patent... so I must first go to daddy MS
and ask one of the high priests of IT there if I may do so.
Do you know Isaac Asimov's "Foundation" books? I never liked the
part where all technology was kept secret by technology-priests to
subdue all the other planets :-(



Received on Tuesday, 7 June 2005 09:51:05 UTC