newbie question: on attributes, facets, retrieving schema components


My first problem surrounds understanding the term
"facet" [Fundamental facet, Non-fundamental,
Constraining, etc].

My other problem is to understand attributes, versus
the concept of a facet. How theses two identities
affects each others?

The specs says: "A facet is a single defining aspect
of a ˇvalue spaceˇ. Generally speaking, each facet
characterizes a ˇvalue spaceˇ along independent axes
or dimensions." [Section 2.4, Facets.] 

On facets, attributes and "ref" or "name" usage: 

Most likely the specifications forbids: 
 <!-- not a facet -->
 <attribute ref="foo:bar" />

In return this might validate:
 <!-- a facet -->
 <attribute name="bar" use="required" />


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