Re: Regex syntax [+-]

Original Message From: "Michael Kay" <>

> In particular, what characters are allowed to appear as s and e in a range
> [s-e]?
> The production rules say
> [18]   seRange    ::=   charOrEsc '-' charOrEsc
> [20]   charOrEsc    ::=   XmlChar | SingleCharEsc
> [21]   XmlChar    ::=   [^\#x2D#x5B#x5D]
> which imply that [, ], \, and - are disallowed in both positions.

I'm not sure if I'm looking at the same version as you (Schema part 2 second 
edition), but my reading is that the characters [, ], \, and - are covered 
by the SingleCharEsc production:

      [24]    SingleCharEsc    ::=    '\' [nrt\|.?*+(){}#x2D#x5B#x5D#x5E]

So you might end up with something like: [\[-\]]

Pete Cordell
Tech-Know-Ware Ltd
                         for XML to C++ data binding visit

Received on Friday, 5 August 2005 07:10:09 UTC