Re: [Bug report] XSV Restriction Error

"Michael Kay" <> writes:

> I haven't seen that extensional interpretation of ##any used before.

As I said, that's a bit of forward-looking to XML Schema 1.1 in
XSV. . .

> What if there was a global declaration 
> <xsd:element name="element" type="xsd:integer"/>
> Would it be the case that the restriction is invalid because none of the
> possible elements that ##any might match has a type that's compatible with
> xsd:token?

Yes, in 1.1 as currently envisaged.

> Or is there a rule somewhere that the restriction can only be a reference to
> a globally-declared element?
> Saxon incidentally accepts the schema as supplied, although it also uses an
> algorithm based on comparing the two FSA's to see if one subsumes the other.
> However, it only checks the element name ("element") against the set of
> namespaces permitted by the wildcard ("##any"), it doesn't expand the
> wildcard into a finite set of permitted element names.

That is correct per 1.0.

 Henry S. Thompson, HCRC Language Technology Group, University of Edinburgh
                     Half-time member of W3C Team
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Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2005 13:39:29 UTC