RE: list of bugs for various processors?

Limitations in Saxon 8.0 that were known at the time of release are listed

A handful of further restrictions have emerged since the release, these are
listed (along with other Saxon bugs) at:

(choose "Schema Conformance" as the selected Category)

Some of these limitations (in both categories) will be removed in Saxon 8.1
which is now undergoing final testing.

Michael Kay 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of Bryan Rasmussen
> Sent: 20 September 2004 08:42
> To:
> Subject: list of bugs for various processors?
> Is there a list of bugs maintained anywhere that covers bugs,
> incompatibilities between different processors, editing 
> environments, if not
> I suppose that there must be individual lists for each 
> processor, maybe we
> can take this thread to make links to the processor specific lists.
> these are the following I have: 
> xsv 
> xerces
> Any others

Received on Monday, 20 September 2004 09:50:25 UTC