'Re: "Re: XML Schema Test Collection"'


on 9/16/2004 4:01 PM Kasimier Buchcik wrote:

> Hi,
> on 9/16/2004 3:08 PM Mik Lernout wrote:
>>Hey all,
>>I am in the progress of writing a Java XML Schema validator (an 
>>anouncement will follow in the near future), and had a question about a 
>>test in the XML Schema Test Collection.
>>The instance /msxstest/attribute/attP009.xml should be valid. But how 
>>can this be when "att" is required? (According to the test master file 
>>there is not one validator that declares it valid)


> Possibly more incorrect tests in this combine do exist.
> The test collection cannot be used naivly, since some tests are 
> incorrect (at least in the msxsdtest section). Communicate incorrect 
> tests to the list, so others (like me) can add them to the list of test 
> to be ignored. There is a new test collection mechanism on the way [1].

And here comes the link:
[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/xmlschema-dev/2004Sep/0021.html


Received on Thursday, 16 September 2004 14:05:43 UTC