Re: "RE: Including schemata with duplicate referents"'


Ed Day wrote:
> It would help me if you could provide a physical example of what you are
> trying to get at.


hmm, in the case your question was related to the namespace intersection
of wildcards:

- A is a schema with a target namespace of "http://FOO"
- A includes a cameleon schema B
- W1 and W2 are namespace definitions of wildcards in B

W1 = "not http://BAR"
W2 = "##targetNamespace http://BOO"

Rule: Attribute Wildcard Intersection 3:

Since the target namespace of cameleon includes is 'absent', the
intersection of B1 and B2 would be: "http://BOO"

If converting the target namespace of the includes prior to building
'complete' wildcards, the intersection would be:
"http://FOO http://BOO"

So wildcard intersection in cameleon includes is dependant on the
target namespace to be 'absent'.



Received on Monday, 8 November 2004 15:36:16 UTC