RE: Including schemata with duplicate referents

> Yes, but you are saying "from" a component.  When a <schema> 
> includes another <schema>, there must be a valid Schema 
> corresponding to the included <schema>.  Unless there are 
> circular includes/imports, it must be possible to resolve all 
> the references in the included <schema> before doing the 
> inclusion, otherwise you won't have a "valid schema".

No, we had a discussion on that point on this list a few weeks ago. Section
4.2.1 says:

As discussed in Missing Sub-components (§5.3), ˇQNameˇs in XML
representations may fail to ˇresolveˇ, rendering components incomplete and
unusable because of missing subcomponents. During schema construction,
implementations must retain ˇQNameˇ values for such references, in case an
appropriately-named component becomes available to discharge the reference
by the time it is actually needed.

Despite various other phrases that appear to contradict this, it seems that
the intent of the spec is that when <schema> A includes <schema>s B and C,
you can have references from components in B to components in C, and from B
to A.

Michael Kay

Received on Friday, 5 November 2004 20:56:33 UTC