Re: Butterfly XML IDE based on new Real-time Incremental Parsing Algorithm

How is the public beta being distributed?  Is there a website?

--- Jules White <> wrote:
> The Butterfly XML team has just released its first public beta of the
> opensource Butterfly XML IDE. The Butterfly XML IDE is built on top of a
> new real-time incremental XML parsing algorithm. The DOM is updated in
> real-time as the user types and not in a separate thread. The editor
> features syntax and error highlighting, incremental validation,
> intelligent code completion (based on XML Schema, DTD, or document
> analysis), XSLT pipelines, DTD and Schema Generation, and side by side
> DOM and source viewing. Built-in support for XHTML, XSL, Xforms, XML
> Schemas, XSP, and Cocoon sitemaps is included. Support for other XML
> types can also easily be added. The editor is capable of parsing XML
> documents that are not well-formed and showing the source of the errors.
> Errors in documents are highlighted in the source as well as marked in
> the DOM view. This allows for easy conversion of HTML to well-formed
> XML. The side by side DOM and source viewing allows for the tree view of
> the XML to be instantly updated as the user types. The source can also
> be navigated and updated from the DOM tree. XSLT pipelines make building
> up and visualizing complex transformations easy.
> Sincerely,
> Jules White
> Senior Architect
> The Butterfly XML Team

Received on Thursday, 18 March 2004 19:35:45 UTC