XFront Best Practices


First of all, I'm really glad to become a member of your group.

I want to present 2 questions:


1) I'm preparing to design some schemas inside my University.

As a "dummy" I've been searching for some "rules" to guide me.

I've started reading the "XML Schema" by Eric Van Der Vlist.

Then I've tried to find "best practices" and I found those available

On http://www.xfront.com/BestPracticesHomepage.html.

Does anybody ever heard about it? There are any others available?

Can I trust them?


2) I'm also concerned about UML modelling my XSD's.

By now we are trying to work with Enterprise Architect,

namely with profiles, expressed on XML.

The main idea is to generate the XSD's from the UML models.

Does anybody ever worked with EA? Tell me about your experience. 


My best regards,

Rui Alves

Informatics and Communications Sector

University of Madeira, Portugal

www.uma.pt <http://www.uma.pt/>  






Received on Monday, 8 March 2004 11:39:11 UTC