2 and only 2 level nested anonymous elements


Do any of you know an elegant way in XML Schema to declare 2 and only 2 
level nested anonymous elements, which the second level elements must have a 
"xs:ID" type attribute?

For example:

  <my:paper xmlns:my="http://test.org">
      <my:author_name id="author_name"/>
      <my:paper_title    id="paper_title"/>

Within xf:instance, there must be 2 level nested elements and I don't know 
elements name, like my:paper, my:author_name, my:paper_title. In addition, 
the second level elements my:author_name and my:paper_title must have 
attribute id whose type is xsd:ID.

Your advice and an example or reference would be much appreciated!


- Yankui

Received on Thursday, 29 July 2004 16:08:46 UTC