RE: Multiple imports of the same namespace

Brilliant! Michael's solution worked like a charm. Thank you to both
Michael and Anli for speedy and effective responses.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anli Shundi [] 
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 10:53 AM
To: GLACE, Jessica
Subject: Re: Multiple imports of the same namespace

On 8/23/2004 10:16 AM, wrote:
> I am receiving an error when I validate a Schema that has multiple 
> imports of the same namespace when I use XerceJ 2.6.2. I've recreated 
> my problem using some simplified Schemas below.
> I'm hoping this group can verify that my Schema are correct. The main 
> question being is importing multiple files of the same namespace legal

> and am I using the correct syntax.

Yes, they are legal but the spec gives leeway to schema processors in
locating schemas. As Michael Kay laid it out in the previous post, Turbo
2.4.1, Xerces 2.6.2 (and XSV 2.7-1) opt for the easy way and skip the
second import.

And, No: none of the tools is based on any of the others.  Other Tibco
tools do handle multiple imports of the same namespace from different
locations as more and more applications are making use of such


> Thank you in advance for taking the time to read and respond.
> Diamonds2.xsd
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema 
> targetNamespace=""
> elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
> xmlns:gems=""
> xmlns:xs="">
> 	<xs:complexType name="DiamondType">
> 		<xs:sequence>
> 			<xs:element ref="gems:Color"/>
> 			<xs:element ref="gems:Cut"/>
> 			<xs:element ref="gems:Clarity"/>
> 			<xs:element ref="gems:Karat"/>
> 		</xs:sequence>
> 	</xs:complexType>
> 	<xs:element name="Color" type="xs:string"/>
> 	<xs:element name="Cut" type="xs:string"/>
> 	<xs:element name="Clarity" type="xs:string"/>
> 	<xs:element name="Karat" type="xs:integer"/> </xs:schema>
> Pearls2.xsd
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema 
> targetNamespace=""
> elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
> xmlns:gems=""
> xmlns:xs="">
> 	<xs:complexType name="PearlType">
> 		<xs:sequence>
> 			<xs:element ref="gems:size"/>
> 			<xs:element ref="gems:shape"/>
> 			<xs:element ref="gems:color"/>
> 			<xs:element ref="gems:luster"/>
> 			<xs:element ref="gems:surfaceCleanliness"/>
> 		</xs:sequence>
> 	</xs:complexType>
> 	<xs:element name="size" type="xs:integer"/>
> 	<xs:element name="shape" type="xs:string"/>
> 	<xs:element name="color" type="xs:string"/>
> 	<xs:element name="luster" type="xs:string"/>
> 	<xs:element name="surfaceCleanliness" type="xs:string"/>
> Jewlery2.xsd
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema 
> targetNamespace=""
> elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
> xmlns:jewels=""
> xmlns:xs=""
> xmlns:gems="">
> 	<xs:import namespace=""
> schemaLocation="Pearls2.xsd"/>
> 	<xs:import namespace=""
> schemaLocation="Diamonds2.xsd"/>
> 	<xs:element name="Diamonds" type="gems:DiamondType"/>
> 	<xs:element name="Pearls" type="gems:PearlType"/> </xs:schema>
> Xerce's error message:
> Line 5, Column 55: src-resolve: Cannot resolve the name 
> 'gems:DiamondType' to a(n) 'type definition' component.
> As a side note, Turbo 2.4.1 is not resolving this either (could it be 
> built on Xerces?).
> Kind regards,
> Jessica Glace
> 2000 Corporate Ridge
> McLean, VA 22102-7805
> Jglace at

Anli Shundi
TIBCO Software Inc.				office: (919) 969-6518

Received on Monday, 23 August 2004 18:56:14 UTC