Re: Namespace problem

Mik Lernout wrote:

> Er... correct me if I am wrong but this prefix-in-attributes-thingie 
> is not really related to XMLSchema but rather to XML.
I don't see it that way. The XML-Namespaces Recommendation has a section 
on "Applying namespaces to elements and attributes" which talks about 
element and attribute names, as in <foo:bar baz:value="..."/>. It does 
not talk on the use of namespaces (via prefixes) in content, which is 
therefore special. XML Schema makes use of prefixes in a "special" way, 
which makes implementation slightly harder.

> The basic idea is that in any location in an XML file there is always 
> a namespace context: a mapping of prefixes to namespaces. The usage of 
> this mapping in element names or in attribute names/values does not 
> really matter. Even the actual value of the prefix is not really 
> important, it is what namespace it represents in that specific spot of 
> the XML file....
OK, seen as a stream of characters, you are probably right. However, I 
like to think of XML in terms of a "core" Infoset (strictly less than 
Infoset, namespace prefixes should not be part of it): An XML document 
is a labelled tree, with labels being URI:name pairs. This simple view 
works for most XML documents, however, for the above reasons, it does 
not work for XML Schema - one has to remember the prefixes.

This dependence on prefixes has direct influence on how to design an XML 
API... if you include prefix mappings in a tree model, it becomes larger 
(every tree node needs to have the possibility to store prefix-URI 


> Mik
> PS: You mentioned that you are working on schema validator, in which 
> language is it and is it open source? I am also doing one in java and 
> maybe we could merge some work...
I am writing a data binding tool for Scala, Surely 
we can exchange some information (maybe the list is not the best place 
for that, though). My design of Scala's XML API follows the above principle.

> Burak Emir wrote:
>> Hello Volker,
>> 1. which parser are you using? Is it possible that is has 
>> namespace-support disabled?
>> 2. [unsure] does it work when you remove the "plem:" prefix from the 
>> schema (both in root and in the type="plem:" attribute) ?
>> I am implementing a schema validator myself, and I stubbed my toe on 
>> a similar thing. The fact is, common sense would suggest namespaces 
>> make element names unique by adding the URI to them. It would then be 
>> ok to forget the namespace prefixes, representing element names as 
>> {uri:name}.
>> Unfortunately, in XML schema this is not the entire truth - one has 
>> to remember also the prefixes, because they appear in attribute 
>> values. I consider this a real shortcoming of the XML schema 
>> definition language - it is counter-intuitive, because one is forced 
>> to mix the structure of the definition (a declaration xmlns:foo="..." 
>> in the root element <schema ...>) with the structure of the instances 
>> (as in type="foo:...").
>> Since there is no element "plem:...", it could be that your software 
>> just "forgot" about that prefix, and defaulted it to "" - in any 
>> case, a bug.
>> cheers,
>> Burak

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2004 09:27:33 UTC