- From: Kevin Garwood <garwood@cs.man.ac.uk>
- Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 17:01:29 +0100
- To: xmlschema-dev@w3.org
Hello! I'm Kevin Garwood, a software developer working here at Manchester University. It says on the XML Schema page that if I want to submit a new tool for the list, I should post to this group. Please check out Pedro at: pedrodownload.man.ac.uk I'd like to give some background on it for you. Pedro takes various XML Schemas and renders data entry forms for them. Users use the forms to create data files that will validate against the schema. In addition, data modellers can link controlled vocabulary services to form fields allowing the documents to have standardised content as well as structure. This tool was originally developed to cope with a proteomics data model that kept changing all the time. We realised there was no bioinformatics specific code in the application and that it could be applied to other domains. The schema interpretation facility has been significantly redeveloped and improved by Kai Runte, a developer who is just finishing his job at the European Bioinformatics Institute. His schema reader is based on Sun's open source MSV project and has already proved immensely useful modelling other domains. You can see from the "download domains" page on the web site that there are many different kinds of models already being published with the tool. We at Manchester University and our partners at the EBI believe this open source tool could be of benefit to the general XML community. Please let us know what you think! Kev
Received on Friday, 23 April 2004 12:06:31 UTC