Re: Use of xml:lang in XML Schema

Which is the correct usage of "xml:lang" in an XML schema?
a) <xs:import namespace="  <>"/>

b) <xs:import namespace="  <>"/>

Option a) does not appear to work on xerces 2.5.0 while option b) does.
I would like to know if the problem is one of specification (i.e. option a)
should work on any conformant XML parser) or implementation (i.e. Xerces
does not conform to the XML spec in this respect).
Thanks for any help you can give
Kieran Dolan


Kieran Dolan 
Technical Architect 

LogicaCMG Wireless Networks
Brook Drive 
Berkshire RG2 6UA 
United Kingdom <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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Received on Monday, 29 September 2003 10:30:46 UTC