RE: Platform-independent way of specifying line separator

The parser will convert line endings to #xA but you can still specify
the #xD character through character escaping: 

So \n would match all 'normal line endings' as normalized by the
parser.  If the data has an #xD it's because the author didn't want it
to be normalized/considered as a line ending ?

Anli Shundi
TIBCO Software Inc.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of
> Sent: Friday, September 05, 2003 4:28 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Platform-indendent way of specifying line separator
> If end-of-line sequences are normlaized to a single newline 
> character (#xA)
> then I am confused by XML schema regular expressions
> [Section F.1.1 Character Class
> Escapes, includes regular expressions for \n the newline 
> character line-feed
> (#xA) and \r the return character (#xD) as well as the unicode seperator
> Category Escape (Z, Zs, Zl, Zp). However why even have these if the
> end-of-line handling in XML 1.0 or 1.1 normalizes these to 
> line-feed (#xA)?]
> Also in section 4
> Recommendations is states that "the Unicode Standard defines two 
> unambiguous
> separator characters, Paragraph Separator (PS = 202916) and Line Separator
> (LS = 202816). In Unicode text, the PS and LS characters should be used
> wherever the desired function is unambiguous. Otherwise, the following
> specifies how to cope with an NLF [new line function] when converting from
> other character sets to Unicode, when interpreting characters in text, and
> when converting from Unicode to other character sets.... If you 
> do know the
> exact usage of any NLF, then convert it to LS or PS. " 
> So the the The Unicode Newline Guidelines reccomend using line seperator
> (LS, #x2028) but as we have seen XML 1.0 uses the line-feed (#xA). 
> In reviewing XML 1.0, XML Schema, and the Unicode Newline Guidelines
> together there seems to be a mismatch. Can someone could rationalize these
> discrepancies. Does the schema regexpr \n indeed match a end-of-line
> sequence on all platforms?
> - Dan Winkowski

Received on Friday, 5 September 2003 17:58:35 UTC