Re: Sigh!

In a message dated 04/09/2003 09:23:09 GMT Daylight Time, 

> Sorry about the spam, I wasn't seeing it as my spam filter was
> filtering it out, I'll ask the W3C staff to block these guys.
> ht


The unwanted emails are, as commented, coming from However is also a victim of the spammer.

Let me explain.

I am moderator of a couple of groups on I put a couple of 
groups on moderator approval of new members due to pornographic spamming of the 
group. In the last week about 10 applications have come in for membership 
approval from W3C lists such as www-tag. Of course, I turn those applications 
down. Yahoo Groups which don't require moderator approval of new members will 
automatically subscribe W3C lists ... with the results that we have seen.

I think I can figure out how the spammers pulled this off.

I suggest you indicate to W3C staff that they may expect to see more of 
these, judging by the "applications" to Yahoo Groups supposedly from W3C lists.

Andrew Watt

Received on Thursday, 4 September 2003 08:03:31 UTC