Best Practices *as implemented* survey


In reviewing various schema design strategies, a group of us at HR-XML kept asking ourselves "what are other people doing?" - the ubiquitous "I want to save time" question.  Not wanting to reinvent the wheel (read: lazy) we began accumulating information on how standard libraries were designing their schemas.  The essential question was "in a nutshell, what is the consensus of implemented schema design?"

For sure, all have been reading and following the Best Practices web site (incredible site Roger!) at  This site gives documentation on the pluses and minuses (and recommendations) of various design techniques.

What we were accumulating was survey information on the practices * as implemented *.  Essentially how people are implementing the designs discussed at xfront.

The link below shows an initial informal survey of a few groups which shows this information  (It is a draft and may contain errors - read with caution!)  I think this kind of survey data would make a great compliment to the documentation at xfront (in fact, I may have emailed Roger about this once).  It could help steer newcomers to the consensus best practices.

Have a look and see if you think it is worth pursuing and adding your experiences to this survey.


W. Paul Kiel
HR-XML Consortium

Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2003 14:12:35 UTC