{content type} of derived type is mixed (XSV result)

Based on "new versions of XML Schema REC documents with errata folded in",
it seems to me the following schema document should be invalid because the
{content type} of derived type (i.e., base2) is mixed while the {content
of the {base type definition} is not.

However, XSV didn't detect such violation.  Is it because this new
was not implemented yet or my interpretation is wrong?



Schema Component Constraint: Derivation Valid (Restriction, Complex)

5.4 All of the following must be true:
5.4.1 One of the following must be true: The {content type} of the complex type definition itself must be
element-only The {content type} of the complex type definition itself and of the
{base type definition} must be mixed

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">

 <xsd:element name="root">
    <xsd:element ref="test" minOccurs="0"/>

 <xsd:element name="test" type="base1"/>

 <xsd:complexType name="base1" >
  <xsd:extension base="xsd:integer">
                   <xsd:attribute name="any"/>

 <xsd:complexType name="base2" mixed="true" >
  <xsd:restriction base="base1">
   <xsd:attribute name="any" use="optional" />


Received on Thursday, 13 March 2003 22:05:28 UTC