Identifying the source schema for PSVI contributions

In the software I am currently writing, I am making extensive use of the 
PSVI, through the PSVI bindings in xerces-j. When I am examining the 
attribute/element declarations and type definitions associated with my 
document, it is important for me to know what schema these 
declarations/definitions have come from.

So, my question is: Is there any way I can find out the target namespace 
(or any other uniquely identifying information) for the schema that a 
particular PSVI contribution has been validated using?

I understand that you can get a namespace information item, if the 
declaration or definition is globally declared, but I also want to be 
able to find the same information if it is locally declared.

Can anyone help? I thought this would be simple until I started to 
investigate further...

John Snelson, Software Engineer        +44-1865-203192
DecisionSoft Limited         
XML Development and Services

Received on Thursday, 28 August 2003 04:36:12 UTC